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Bitget's All New Insights Feature is Now Live!

2022-10-25 04:22089


Dear Bitgetters,

We have officially launched our new "Insights" feature for the Bitget app. Users can now browse high quality trading related content from the Bitget team on the "Insights" page. You can also read posts from guest writers who we've invited from the Bitget community to post their own stories or articles related to trading. Now open the Bitget app and come share your thoughts!

Click to apply as a guest writer!

[How to use the Insights feature]

In the Bitget App: Go to the home page and scroll down, you will see the "Insights" page.

The Bitget team sincerely appreciates your support, and we will continue to do our best to provide you with better products and services!

Bitget Team

October 25, 2022