Deposit & Withdrawal

How to Submit a Deposit Refund due to Unlisted Coin or Unsupported Network/Chain

2024-06-28 11:4231520

Currently, Bitget provides a Coin Refund Service with a comprehensive procedures to help users recovering their funds. Here's the step-by-step procedure to submit an application of coin refund.

Step 1:

Go to [Bitget Deposit Platform] and click [Deposit Not Credited, Request Refund] on the right-center of the page.

How to Submit a Deposit Refund due to Unlisted Coin or Unsupported Network/Chain image 0

Step 2:

Choose [The Coin Or The Network Is Not Supported By Bitget] and [Apply].

How to Submit a Deposit Refund due to Unlisted Coin or Unsupported Network/Chain image 1

Step 3:

Fill in the form.

1) Select the coin you made a deposit in. If you cannot find the coin in the list, enter the coin name in the search bar instead. Make sure the spelling is correct and no characters are missing.

2) Enter the deposit amount. Please enter the exact amount (up to eight decimals of precision).

3) Select the deposit network/chain. Before filling in the unsupported deposit network from your transaction information, please confirm with your withdrawal platform or to check with TXID on the blockchain sites.

4) Enter the withdrawal address which often known as the "From" address.

5) Enter your Bitget deposit address. The deposit address is often known as the "To" or "Receiver" address.

6) Enter the TXID.

7) Enter your remark. Please briefly explain your problem and scenario about the wrong deposit due to unlisted coin or unsupported network/chain.

Step 4:

Click [Submit] and your request will be assigned to our relevant department. Please note that the application may take up to 10 working days.

Important Notes:

In general, Bitget does not return all types of coins from unsupported network/chain, or unlisted coin. Nevertheless, as much as we could; we offer the refund service as a gesture of goodwill to help our users by recovering their financial losses. Please be informed that the coin refund service is not guaranteed, which is why we urge our users to provide all necessary information to us for speeding up your requests.