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How to deposit VND?

2024-10-28 07:1154732
Before starting, make sure to complete identity verification for VND deposits, or your payments won't be successfully processed. Note: The ID card is the only accepted identity verification document for VND deposits and withdrawals. If the document you used for identity verification on Bitget is a driver's license or passport, update it to your ID card before proceeding with VND deposits, withdrawals, and identity verification.
Step 1:
1) For app users: Log in to the Bitget app > Tap Add Funds at the top right corner > Select VND > Choose VND Transfer > select VND via VietQR.
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2) For web users: Navigate to Buy Crypto, hover your mouse over VND Transfer > select VND via VietQR.
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Step 2: Enter your desired amount and confirm your order.
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Step 3: Use your e-wallet app or mobile banking app to scan the QR code to proceed with the payment.
  1. Ensure that the e-wallet or mobile banking account you use is registered with the same ID as your Bitget identity verification. Otherwise, your funds may be locked, requiring additional verification steps. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or via online customer service chat.
  2. Do not reuse the same QR code for future transactions. Always repeat the steps above to generate a new QR code to ensure secure transactions.

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Step 4: Once you have completed the steps above, you can find the deposited VND in your spot account, or the Deposit/Withdrawal section in Assets.
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What's next?
Visit Cash Conversion to buy crypto with your VND balance instantly in 10+ different cryptocurrencies! Refer to this FAQ for a step-by-step guide: How to instantly buy/sell crypto with VND using cash conversion.
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