Bitget Innovation Zone - Is It Safe?
Bitget Innovation zone has recently been launched and is taking off! While investing in new and exclusive projects might be scary and risky. This is what Bitget does to help create a safe environment. Here is what you need to know!
Bitget Innovation Zone
The Innovation Zone is a new Bitget spot trading zone mainly for the (initial) listing of trending tokens. It allows Bitget users to easily trade trending tokens. Bitget Innovation Zone has been the sacred space dedicated for project growth; shedding light on new and great incentives within the blockchain community and giving them a chance to shine bright and early. With many successful launches thus far, we can not ignore the fact that there are risks involved with investing into new projects.
Bitget continues to strive for transparency for not only its users, but the industry as a whole. To provide a safer space for users to invest in innovative projects, a 60-day valuation period is applied to all newly listed tokens in the zone.
What happens during the 60-day valuation period?
Each digital asset we list is regularly reviewed for quality assurance to ensure it adheres to our platform standards. In addition to the security and stability of the digital asset’s network, we consider numerous other factors in our evaluation process, including but not limited to:
- Trading volume and liquidity
- Team involvement in the project
- Development of the project
- Network or smart contract stability
- Activeness of the community
- Responsiveness of the project
- Negligence or unethical conduct
Closing thoughts
Keep in mind that the Innovation zone is a place of very new projects. While Bitget strives to play its part in keeping the environment safe, it is near impossible to prevent risky situations from happening, as such is the nature for projects that have just come to life. Young markets can cause extreme volatility and heavy fluctuations. Therefore, take your risk management into account, and seek education prior to investing.
Simply create an account, and start browsing through the meticulous projects on Bitget Innovation Zone now!
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are for informational purposes only. This article does not constitute an endorsement of any of the products and services discussed or investment, financial, or trading advice. Qualified professionals should be consulted prior to making financial decisions.
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