Bitget Market Update (2022-07-01)
The global cryptocurrency market cap is standing at $870B, meaning a 0.04% increase from the previous day according to Coinmarketcap data. The total 24-hr Trading Volume for all Cryptocurrencies stood at $74.7B a 21.72% increase from the volume of the previous day.
Bitcoin (BTC) has traded between the price of $18,729.66 and $20,632.67 within the last 24 hours, as of 07:00 AM (UTC) Bitcoin is trading at the price of $19,384.99 which shows a 1.37% increase from the last 24hrs, according to Coinmarketcap data.
Most major cryptocurrencies by market cap are increasing in value. Today’s Top 3 Gainers of the market include:
1st Place
Cube Network embraces “Chaos” consensus that comes with high throughput, decentralization, security, and fast transaction confirmation. A decentralized cross-chain communication protocol named ”Time Crossing” is also used in Cube Network. With “Time Crossing”, cross-chain DeFi contracts can be called and are compatible with the Cosmos IBC protocol, enabling seamless migration of applications within the ecosystem. With a market cap of $64,175,185.24 and trading volume of $6,238,884.30, Cubenetwork is trading at a current marke t price of $1.64.
2nd Place
RBN/USDT: Up by 20.55%
Ribbon Finance is a decentralized platform that provides crypto traders with access to structured products that seek to drive yield. Ribbon Finance vaults include support for AAVE, ETH, USDC, wBTC, stETH, yvUSDC, AVAX, and SOL. with a total market cap of $39,368,712.37 and a trading volume of $1,255,944.85, Ribbon finance is trading at a current market price of $0.254.
3rd Place
VOLT/USDT: Up by 19.25%
olt Inu ($VOLT) is a hyper-deflationary token whose aim is to invest in multiple asset classes such as NFTs, nodes, altcoins, staking farming of stablecoins. This investment diversity allows to mitigate the risk while taking advantage of the possible non-correlated growth of the trending assets. With a market cap of $45,468,861.08 and a trading volume of $3,118,860.50,Volt is trading at a current market price of $0.000001.
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