Bitget Market Update (2022-07-04)
The global cryptocurrency market cap is at $867B, meaning a 0.15% increase from the previous day according to Coinmarketcap data. The total 24-hr Trading Volume for all Cryptocurrencies stood at $37.77B, a 10.62% decrease from the previous day's volume.
Bitcoin (BTC) has traded between the price of $18,971.81 and $19,558.27 within the last 24 hours, as of 07:00 AM (UTC) Bitcoin is trading at the price of $19,159.48 which shows a 0.63% increase from the last 24hrs, according to Coinmarketcap data.
Most major cryptocurrencies by market cap are increasing in value. Today’s Top 3 Gainers of the market include:
1st Place
CST/USDT: Up by 28.16%
The Crypto Stake token is an essential part of the future sportsbook and casino games ecosystem. It is used as the exclusive currency on the Crypto Stake platform for increased betting odds – both for sports bets and casino games. Crypto Stake token is a digital currency that players from all around the world can profit from when using to place their bets. With a current market cap of $215,192.57 and a trading volume of $1,173.63, CST is trading at a current market price of $0.0258.
2nd Place
ORN/USDT: Up by 20.2%
Origin Protocol is an Ethereum-powered platform that aims to bring Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and Decentralized Finance (DeFi) to the masses. After several years of building out a decentralized e-commerce platform, Origin refocused its platform around NFTs and the unique experiences they can enable. With a current market cap of $128,280,983.55 and a total trading volume of $146,026,997.45, Origin is trading at a current marke t price of $0.3344.
3rd Place
SHIT/USDT: Up by 19.25%
Shitcoin is a shitcoin on the Binance Smart Shit Chain Network that offers to index of projects, unique one-of-a-kind self-drawn NFT’s, and the Shit-O-Verse where you can flex on dem hoes with custom-made NFT outfits, and bang hoes on your custom-built NFT furniture. With a current market cap of $20,095.25 and a trading volume of $926.74, Shitcoin is trading at a current market price of $0.000000434668.
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