Bitget New User Registration Guide (2025)
Getting started with Bitget has never been easier! In 2025, Bitget further simplifies our registration process to welcome new users into the world of seamless crypto trading and investment. Whether you're a beginner exploring digital assets for the first time or an experienced trader looking for a cutting-edge platform, Bitget offers a secure, user-friendly environment to meet your needs. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the latest registration process, ensuring you can create your account effortlessly and start trading in no time.
You have several options to sign up with Bitget: email, phone number, Google account, Apple account, Telegram account, or your Web3 wallet. With Bitget, you're just a few clicks away from unlocking the full potential of the crypto market!
Bitget Registration Guide: Web Version
Step 1:
Go to the Bitget official website.
You can either enter your email/phone number then click [Start now] for faster registration or simply click on [Sign up] to begin right away.
Step 2:
For this example, we'll demonstrate the registration process using email address. You only need to enter your email address, set up a password, enter the referral code (if available) and consent to our User Agreement before clicking [Create Account].
Important notes: Pay attention to the password setup guide as marked below.
Step 3:
You will need to complete a bot verification test. Check the order of the symbol (as marked below), and click on each symbol in the image following this chronological order and [OK]. Bitget will then send you an email with a verification code valid for 10 minutes and the website will be automatically redirected to show an email verification window. You'll have to copy and paste the code received in your mailbox here.
Step 4:
To ensure user protection and uninterrupted operations, all users are required to complete the KYC process. Once you have pasted the verification code, you'll be automatically logged in to your Bitget account. Here's what it will show:
Click on [Verify now] to do KYC/identity verification.
Step 5:
Read about what is KYC/identity verification and why it's needed. Then click [Verify].
Step 6:
Click on the drop-down menus as marked below to choose your Country/region of residence and Issuing country/region (of your identity document). Select your preferred ID type and click on [Continue] to proceed on the laptop or [Verify on mobile phone]. We recommend the option [Verify on mobile phone] because you will need to take pictures of your identity document.
Step 7:
Here's what it looks like with the ID verification process. You only need to follow the step-by-step guide as shown below. Check out Your Quick And Success-Guaranteed Guide To KYC On Bitget to ensure a fast KYC process.
Step 8:
Your Bitget account has been created successfully from the moment you enter the verification code you received in your mail! After you submit documents and other information for the KYC process, we will review it quickly and send you an email notification once done.
Important notes: Typical processing time is within one hour, and it should not take longer than 4 hours! If your application is unsuccessful, Bitget will email you with an explanation. If you see no email after 4 hours, please reach out to our Customer Service team immediately.
Bitget Registration Guide: Mobile App Version
Step 1:
Download the Bitget App here.
Tap on [Get started] or on the grid icon on the top left of the main app page to proceed.
Then, tap on [Sign up].
Step 2:
For this example, we'll demonstrate the registration process using phone number. Tap on the drop-down menu marked below to find your country code. Enter your phone number, set up a password, enter the referral code (if available) and consent to our User Agreement before clicking [Create account].
Step 3:
You will need to complete a bot verification test. Check the order of the symbol (as marked below), and click on each symbol in the image following this chronological order and [OK].
Step 4:
After you complete the bot verification, Bitget will send you a verification code per SMS. The code will be valid for 10 minutes, and you need to copy and paste it onto the Bitget app.
Step 5:
To ensure user protection and uninterrupted operations, all users are required to complete the KYC process. Once you have pasted the verification code, you'll be automatically logged in to your Bitget account. Here's what it will show:
Tap on [Verify now] to proceed.
Step 6:
Read about what is KYC/identity verification and why it's needed. Then click [Verify].
Step 7:
Click on the drop-down menus as marked below to choose your Country/region of residence and Issuing country/region (of your identity document). Select your preferred ID type and click on [Continue].
Step 8:
Here's what it looks like with the ID verification process. You only need to follow the step-by-step guide as shown below. Check out Your Quick And Success-Guaranteed Guide To KYC On Bitget to ensure a fast KYC process.
Step 9:
Your Bitget account has been created successfully from the moment you enter the verification code you received via SMS! After you submit documents and other information for the KYC process, we will review it quickly and send you a notification once done.
Important notes: Typical processing time is within one hour, and it should not take longer than 4 hours! If your application is unsuccessful, Bitget will notify you with an explanation. If you see no notification after 4 hours, please reach out to our Customer Service team immediately.