What is NFT Token & 5 Popular NFT Tokens to watch out for

Rebuilding, bigger and better, are what we do best at Bitget. In this challenging time, it is more important than ever to uphold our essential principles of honesty and openness. Our team is delighted to announce that these hot tokens BLUR/MANA/RNDR/LOOKS/JPEG are listed in the Innovation Zone and NFT Zone. Users may now deposit and withdraw them on the Asset Page.
Tokens of NFT Marketplaces NFT Issuers
What's NFT?
A Non-Fungible Token (NFT) is a cryptographic asset on a blockchain, with each token unique and irreplaceable. NFT has been and is most widely used in digital material such as music, photographs, and other art forms. NFT has endless potential since it may exist in any digital item, including pictures, movies, music, text, and even Twitter posts. NFTs can also be virtual world land, digital clothing, or exclusive rights to use cryptocurrency wallets.
What are NFTs used for?
Earnings maximization for content creators: Profits from selling their material go straight to them. Even if the new owner later sells the NFT, the original author may be entitled to royalties.
Improving the gaming industry's mutually beneficial business model: When utilized in the gaming sector, NFTs may also be used to create one-of-a-kind digital products and crypto-collectibles via DApps (decentralized applications). NFTs enable in-game item ownership records, drive in-game economies, and provide players with many other advantages.
NFT Marketplaces
The NFT Marketplace is where artists and collectors can create, trade, and collect digital art. They can also sell individual alphanumeric items accumulated during gameplay, such as costumes, avatars, and in-game currency on the NFT exchanges.
Well-known NFT projects and platforms
OpenSea - The world’s first decentralized digital marketplace for crypto collectibles NFTs.
CryptoPunks - The first Ethereum-based NFT experiment.
CryptoKitties - The project taking NFTs to the mainstream.
Decentraland - The virtual world’s one-stop-shop for the digital assets on Ethereum.
Hot NFT Tokens are now listed in the Innovation Zone
🔥 Look at the details below for our new NFT token listings:
Blur is a new NFT marketplace, launched on October 19th, 2022, and gained the commitment to be the first-rate NFT marketplace for all professional and high-volume traders. The fundamentality of functions, product interface, and product features separated Blur from its rivals. Blur has hit an all-time high 24-hour trading volume, surpassing Opensea by 143%.
Updated on Feb 22, 2023, 10:26 AM UTC.
MANA is the token of the Decentraland decentralized virtual reality platform. Decentraland is a blockchain-based virtual world platform that attempts to overcome the problem of platform operators gaining intermediary platform profits for decentralized open-source projects, resulting in a low-cost payment mechanism for content producers and game participants. Blockchain technology is used to acquire and transfer virtual property rights, allowing users to own or operate them.
Updated on Feb 21, 2023, 6:50 PM UTC.
RNDR is the token of the GPU distributed network called Render Network, built on top of the Ethereum blockchain, aiming to connect artists and studios needing GPU computing power with mining partners willing to rent their GPU capabilities out. Render was founded in 2016 by Jules Urbach, CEO of OTOY, as the next stage in his ambition of an open metaverse. The Render Network and those behind it have grown from strength to strength since its inception, with headquarters in Los Angeles, CA, and a crew spread throughout the globe.
Updated on Feb 22, 2023, 10:26 AM UTC.
LooksRare(LOOKS) is a community-first NFT marketplace that rewards active traders, collectors, and creators. LooksRare's intelligent contracts are custom-built within a modular structure that allows for the gradual introduction of additional functionality while maintaining security, owing to standardized signatures that clearly describe the execution scope.
Updated on Feb 21, 2023, 7:16 PM UTC.
JPEG'd (JPEG) is a decentralized lending protocol on the Ethereum blockchain that enables NFT holders to open collateralized debt positions (CDPs) using their NFTs as collateral.
Updated on Feb 22, 2023, 1:00 PM UTC.
How to trade in the Innovation Zone:
1. Create an account and log-in to Bitget website
2. Access Bitget Purchase Link and search the coin name.
3. Start trading with us!
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Disclaimer: All products and projects listed in this article are not endorsements, and are provided for informational purposes only.
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