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Bitget Coin Pairs for Strategy Trading

Bitget Coin Pairs for Strategy Trading

We are pleased to inform our Bitgetters that 16 new trading pairs are now available on Bitget for Spot/Futures Grid Strategy trading and DCA Strategy trading!

How do DCA and Grid Bots work?

DCA trading bot

As a limit order, the trading bot sets First Order (purchase order).

Following the execution of the First Order, the bot places the Take Profit (TP) order and Extra order at a price lower than the First Order based on the percentage decrease users provide.

If the Extra order is executed, the crypto bot removes the first order's Take profit order from the exchange and places a new TP order (sell order for long strategy, buy order for short strategy) with a recalculated price based on the average buy price for two buy orders and the Take profit percentage you specify. The bot also places a second Extra Order at a lower price than the First Order Price. The cycle is repeated when the second Extra order is executed. At most one buy and one sell orders are on the crypto exchange simultaneously.

Grid trading bot

Because of the lower grid width, the more grids you make, the greater the trading frequency. However, the profit generated on each order will be reduced. The grid trading bots place a new sell order whenever a purchase order is triggered (at take profit level). Also, if the price continues to fall after the purchase order is executed, the bot will issue another buy order and a separate sell order. These extra commands function similarly to safety orders. Even if the market disappoints you and moves sideways, you can continue trading and execute take-profit orders for those extra buys.

Bitget 16 New Coin Pair

We launch many same coin pairs between Spot and Futures based on user needs. Many coins are currently hot on the market and are a new trend, so users who want to invest can use our products to invest wisely and more conveniently. Users can convert stablecoins more quickly, as well as arbitrage more effectively.

For spot grid DCA strategy trading:


For futures grid DCA strategy trading:


Let's experience the newest 16 coin pairs on Bitget!

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