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TRBUSDT is Now Available on Futures

Bitget Announcement2024/06/27 09:50
By:Bitget Announcement

Bitget has relisted the TRBUSDT futures trading pair on on June 27 , 2024 (UTC+8) with a maximum leverage of 50x. Welcome to try futures trading via our official website ( or Bitget APP. TRBUSDT-M perpetual futures: Parameters Details Listing time June 27, 2024 9:50 (UTC) Underlying

Bitget has relisted the TRBUSDT futures trading pair on on June 27 , 2024 (UTC+8) with a maximum leverage of 50x.

Welcome to try futures trading via our official website ( or Bitget APP.

TRBUSDT-M perpetual futures:
Parameters Details
Listing time June 27, 2024 9:50 (UTC)
Underlying asset TRB
Settlement asset USDT
Tick size 0.001
Maximum leverage 50x
Funding fee settlement frequency Every eight hours
Trading time 7*24
Depending on market risk conditions, Bitget may adjust the parameters from time to time, which may include the tick size, maximum leverage, and maintenance margin rate.


Bitget’s futures include: USDT-Ⓜ️ Futures, Coin-Ⓜ️ Futures and USDC-Ⓜ️ Futures.

USDT-Ⓜ️ Futures - Trade using USDT for all pairs. You can choose USDT to trade multiple currency pairs at the same time, in which multiple futures share the same account equity, profit, loss and risks.

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Disclaimer: The content of this article solely reflects the author's opinion and does not represent the platform in any capacity. This article is not intended to serve as a reference for making investment decisions.

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