Cybercriminals are actively using Telegram to distribute malware. According to Scam Sniffer, from November 2024 to mid-January, the scale of this type of fraud surpassed traditional phishing , an increase of 2000%.
The security firm said hackers have been distributing malware through fake verification bots in private or giveaway groups over the past two months.
Scam Sniffer has so far identified two fake verification bots: OfficiaISafeguardRobot and SafeguardsAuthenticationBot.
Once you run their code or install their verification software, they can access your passwords, scan wallet files, monitor your clipboard, and steal browser data, the company said.
According to Scam Sniffer, the attackers were forced to change tactics as users became more aware of fraudulent schemes.
This shift in tactics indicates that scammers are adapting to users’ increased awareness of phishing links. Instead, they are using more sophisticated social engineering techniques using bots in Telegram, the company said.
For the first time, there has been an increase in the number of cases of fraud in Telegram the company reported last December. Cybersecurity experts identified several fake social media accounts posing as popular crypto influencers. They invited users to join Telegram- a channel about crypto investments. After the transition, future victims were verified through a bot, which introduced malware into their devices.