Bitget Earn officially launches ATOM & KAVA staking!

We are pleased to announce that Bitget Earn will officially launch PoS staking for users on May 6, 2023, 2023. Bitget Earn will provide users with diversified staking and mining services, including PoS network staking, PoW network mining, and other comprehensive products. The first batch of products to be launched are ATOM and KAVA staking.
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Start time: May 6, 12 PM (UTC)
Starting from May 6, 12 PM (UTC) users will be able to stake ATOM and KAVA tokens at Earn > PoS Staking to enjoy an APR of up to 19% – 22% (ATOM) and 13% (KAVA).
About Bitget Earn
Bitget Earn is a one-stop assets management platform. The platform focuses on providing professional and high-quality asset management services. Bitget has a wide variety of high-yield and secure financial products to satisfy diverse investment needs. Users can choose high-yield products to boost earnings based on their own investment needs.