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Introduction to Bitget subscription vouchers

2023-05-24 14:195765

1. Subscription vouchers

1.1 Subscription vouchers allow you to enjoy higher interest for a specific subscription volume in a certain period.

1.2 You can claim or search for subscription vouchers in the Coupons Center .

2. Searching for and claiming subscription vouchers

2.1 Here's how to search for subscription vouchers:


On the homepage, go to Profile > Dashboard > Coupons Center > Subscription Vouchers.


On the homepage, tap the Profile icon, then go to Coupons Center > Subscription Vouchers.

3. How to use subscription vouchers

Subscription vouchers provide you with bonus interest.

For example, assume you subscribed to an Earn product with 50,000 USDT for 30 days at an APR of 2.5%.

One subscription voucher allows you to enjoy an APR of 5% for 3 days at a maximum subscription amount of 20,000 USDT.

If you used a subscription voucher when subscribing to the Earn product, when that product matures in 30 days, you will get (20,000 USDT 5% ÷ 365) × 3 days = 8.22 USDT in bonus returns.

Subscription vouchers may expire if they are not claimed or used within the validity period. Make sure to use your vouchers after claiming them! Refer to the subscription voucher information for further details.

4. Disclaimer

4.1 Bitget reserves the right to take action against accounts that display malicious behavior and to recover any losses.

4.2 Bitget reserves the right of final interpretation of the rules and conditions of using subscription vouchers.

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