Competitions and promotions
Planet (PLANET) will be listed on Bitget. Come and grab a share of 57,970,000 PLANET!
2023-07-08 07:000551

We are pleased to announce the listing of Planet (PLANET) on Bitget. Simply deposit PLANET to participate and stand a chance to grab a share of 57,970,000 PLANET!
Use the Register Now button to participate:
Promotion period: July 11, 11:00 AM – July 18, 11:00 AM (UTC)
Activity 1: Deposit rebate — grab a share of 14,492,000 PLANET
Deposit PLANET to get a 10% rebate from a prize pool of
14,492,000 PLANET (the final net deposit volume will be used to calculate the rebate). Each user can get up to 144,920 PLANET while supplies last, so don't miss out!
Activity 2: PLANET Super Airdrop
Bitget will be airdropping PLANET soon. A total of 43,478,000 PLANET will be airdropped to eligible users, up to 144,920 PLANET per person! Visit
Bitget Super Airdrop — Hold BGB to get free airdrops for more details.
Terms and conditions
Participants must complete KYC verification to be eligible for the rewards.
Rewards will be distributed to the winners' spot accounts within seven working days after the end of the promotion.
Net PLANET deposit = total deposits – total withdrawals (only on-chain data are calculated).
VIPs and m arket makers are not eligible to participate in the promotion.
Only main accounts are eligible for the promotion. Any sub-accounts participating in this promotion will be disqualified and will not receive any rewards.
All participants must strictly comply with Bitget's terms and conditions.
Bitget reserves the right to disqualify any user from participating in the promotion and confiscate their rewards if any fraudulent conduct, illegal activities (e.g. using multiple accounts to claim rewards), or other violations are found.
Bitget reserves the right to amend, revise, or cancel this promotion at any time without prior notice, at its sole discretion.
Bitget reserves the right of final interpretation of the promotion. Contact customer service if you have any questions.
Cryptocurrencies are subject to high market risk and volatility despite their high growth potential. Users are strongly advised to conduct their own research and invest at their own risk.