Everybody Holds价格HOLD
您今天对 Everybody Holds 感觉如何?
Everybody Holds 今日价格
Everybody Holds 的实时价格为 $0.0001898(HOLD / USD),当前市值为$0.00 USD。24小时交易量为$18,425.8 USD。HOLD至USD价格实时更新。Everybody Holds 在过去 24 小时内的变化为 14.34%。它的流通供应量为 0 。
HOLD 的最高价格是多少?
HOLD 的历史最高价(ATH)为 $0.0003981,于 2024-02-15 录得。
HOLD 的最低价格是多少?
HOLD 的历史最低价(ATL)为 $0.{4}4001,于 2024-08-19 录得。
Everybody Holds 价格预测
HOLD 在2025的价格是多少?
根据 HOLD 的历史价格表现预测模型,预计 HOLD 的价格将在2025达到$0.0002472。
HOLD 在2030的价格是多少?
预计2030年 HOLD 价格涨跌为0.00%。到2030年底,预计 HOLD 价格将达到 $0.0005902,累计投资回报率为+258.16%。
Everybody Holds 价格历史(USD)
过去一年,Everybody Holds 价格上涨了-51.41%。在此期间, 兑 USD 的最高价格为 $0.0003981, 兑 USD 的最低价格为 $0.{4}4001。
所有时间+9.04%$0.{4}4001(2024-08-19, 102天前 )$0.0003981(2024-02-15, 288天前 )
Everybody Holds市场信息
Everybody Holds 评级
HOLD 兑换当地法币汇率表
1 HOLD 兑换 MXN$01 HOLD 兑换 GTQQ01 HOLD 兑换 CLP$0.191 HOLD 兑换 UGXSh0.71 HOLD 兑换 HNLL01 HOLD 兑换 ZARR01 HOLD 兑换 TNDد.ت01 HOLD 兑换 IQDع.د0.251 HOLD 兑换 TWDNT$0.011 HOLD 兑换 RSDдин.0.021 HOLD 兑换 DOP$0.011 HOLD 兑换 MYRRM01 HOLD 兑换 GEL₾01 HOLD 兑换 UYU$0.011 HOLD 兑换 MADد.م.01 HOLD 兑换 AZN₼01 HOLD 兑换 OMRر.ع.01 HOLD 兑换 KESSh0.021 HOLD 兑换 SEKkr01 HOLD 兑换 UAH₴0.01
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
最近更新时间2024-11-29 11:13:37(UTC+0)
如何购买 Everybody Holds(HOLD)
创建您的免费 Bitget 账户
使用您的电子邮件地址/手机号码在 Bitget 注册,并创建一个强大的密码以确保您的账户安全
购买 Everybody Holds(HOLD)
我们将为您演示使用多种支付方式在 Bitget 上购买 Everybody Holds
Everybody Holds 动态
TON生态系统将在未来3个月内推出多项空投,包括@LostDogsCo、@CatizenAI和@Hamster_Kombat。这些空投旨在吸引用户和投资者参与,并将在9月12日至26日陆续进行。然而,社区担心空投可能给网络带来压力和技术挑战。尽管如此,TON基金会仍致力于提高网络可扩展性,推动更广泛的采用。 摘要由 Mars AI 生成 本摘要由 Mars AI 模型生成,其生成内容的准确性、完整性还处于迭代更新阶段。
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HoldStation 反击战,从钱包到zkSync的“GMX”
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Holdstation:在 zkSync Era上掌握未来
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【首发上币】Holdstation(HOLD)将上线 Bitget 创新区和 DeFi 区
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用户还在查询 Everybody Holds 的价格。
Everybody Holds 现价多少?
Everybody Holds 的实时价格为 $0(HOLD/USD),当前市值为 $0 USD。由于加密货币市场全天候无间断交易,Everybody Holds 的价格经常波动。您可以在 Bitget 上查看 Everybody Holds 的市场价格及其历史数据。
Everybody Holds 的24小时成交量是多少?
过去24小时,Everybody Holds 的成交量是 $18,425.8。
Everybody Holds 的最高价是多少?
Everybody Holds 的最高价是 $0.0003981。这个最高价是指 Everybody Holds 上市以来的最高价格。
Bitget 上能买 Everybody Holds 吗?
可以。Everybody Holds 已经在 Bitget 中心化交易所上架。更多信息请查阅我们实用的 如何购买 指南。
我可以通过投资 Everybody Holds 获得稳定的收入吗?
当然,Bitget 推出了一个策略交易平台,其提供智能交易策略,可以自动执行您的交易,帮您赚取收益。
我在哪里能以最低的费用购买 Everybody Holds?
Bitget 提供行业领先的交易费用和市场深度,以确保交易者能够从投资中获利。您可通过 Bitget 交易所交易。
您可以在哪里购买 Everybody Holds(HOLD)?
视频部分 — 快速认证、快速交易
如何在 Bitget 完成身份认证以防范欺诈
1. 登录您的 Bitget 账户。
2. 如果您是 Bitget 的新用户,请观看我们的教程,了解如何创建账户。
3. 将鼠标移动到您的个人头像上,点击【未认证】,然后点击【认证】。
4. 选择您签发的国家或地区和证件类型,然后根据指示进行操作。
5. 根据您的偏好,选择“手机认证”或“电脑认证”。
6. 填写您的详细信息,提交身份证复印件,并拍摄一张自拍照。
7. 提交申请后,身份认证就完成了!
加密货币投资,包括通过 Bitget 在线购买 Everybody Holds,都存在市场风险。Bitget 为您提供简单方便的 Everybody Holds 购买方式,我们尽最大努力让我们的用户充分了解我们在交易所提供的每一种加密货币。但是,我们不对您的 Everybody Holds 购买可能产生的结果负责。此页面和本网站包含的任何信息均不代表对任何特定加密货币的认可,任何价格数据均采集自公开互联网,不被视为来自Bitget的买卖要约。
Bitget 观点
主流加密货币 2024 年 11 月 28 日走势分析
主流加密货币 2024 年 11 月 28 日走势分析
以太坊价格在 3498.55 美元附近波动。技术面上,布林带显示其价格从布林带中轨附近反弹后处于上轨附近,显示有一定上行空间,不过也需警惕回调风险。5 日和 10 日移动平均线呈上升态势,市场情绪相对乐观。
比特币兑瑞典克朗价格为 1,049,016,较前一日上涨 19,213,涨幅 1.87%。从不同时间级别的 K 线形态来看,1 小时和 15 分钟级别在 28 日出现多个看跌形态,但 1 日和 30 日级别又有看涨形态如 Bullish Engulfing,这表明其短期价格波动较为剧烈,中长期走势仍有待进一步观察和确认。
当前瑞波币价格走势陷入三角形模式底部,买家对逢低买入态度谨慎。其价格约在 0.58 美元,关键支撑位处于 0.45 美元和 0.42 美元。若能出现看涨逆转,有望攀升至 0.89 美元附近,若突破 0.70 美元,则可能进一步朝着 1 美元迈进。
此前 ADA 已突破 0.77 美元强阻力位,在 11 月 22 日价格接近 0.83 美元,过去 24 小时内涨幅超 3.84%。从近期价格走势的动能来看,如果 ADA 价格能够突破日线图前期高点,那么在未来数天内有飙升 20%至 1 美元的潜力。
在 11 月 16 日时柴犬币过去 24 小时内下跌近 10%,价格为 0.00002373 美元,但有预测称其在 11 月 28 日感恩节当天将交易至 0.00002924 美元,并且从长期趋势来看,未来几周也存在上涨的可能性。
有观点认为泰达公司重新开通注册且提高了兑换门槛,短期 USDT 溢价可能会减弱。虽然这对大盘有一定的稳定作用,但该举措对散户并不利。并且由于泰达币缺乏足够的信用背书,其始终存在崩盘风险,投资者需要谨慎对待。
2024 年波卡币完成技术升级推出 polkadot 2.0。年初其价格有所回升,然而受加密货币市场整体波动的影响显著。在 2024 年其价格在 3.50 美元到 9.27 美元区间内起伏。随着其生态系统的逐步发展以及更多项目的加入,预计 2025 年价格有望显著提升,预测范围在 7.84 美元到 31.63 美元之间,从更长远的视角来看,甚至有达到 50 美元到 100 美元之间的潜力。
恒星币兑印尼盾价格为 7,811.0,较前一日上涨 931.0,涨幅 13.53%。不过其 K 线图在 28 日呈现出多空交织的复杂局面,既有 Belt Hold Bearish、Engulfing Bearish 等看跌形态,同时也存在 Bullish Engulfing 等看涨形态,这充分显示出当前市场对于恒星币的多空分歧较大,其价格后续的走势充满不确定性。
$GFT out to go NUCLEAR! 3 months of quiet accumulation and the Darvas box is about to be $GFT about to go NUCLEAR! 3 months of quiet accumulation and the Darvas box is about to be SMASHED🔥
This is your final call before the BIG move happens. Don’t get left behind just buy and hold till moonshot 🚀MASHED🔥
This is your final call before the BIG move happens. Don’t get left behind just buy and hold till moonshot 🚀
$XRP just reached 1.3, giving us an entry opportunity. Those who bought in spot have already made a 5-point profit. If you don't want to hold, you can sell now. For those who want to continue holding, we can set 1.3 as the trailing stop loss.
For $SAND, I bought 2 layers at 0.7 and added 2 more layers at 0.6. The current price is 0.63, so I'm temporarily a few points down. No issues with the spot since I didn't take any contracts beforehand. From the 1-hour chart perspective, it hasn't broken down yet, so we can continue with yesterday's strategy.
Regarding $FIL, I looked at the data today and noted that Grayscale has been increasing its holdings recently. The market is being controlled well; at least today, it didn't drop as much as Bitcoin, indicating that it is showing strength. If the overall market rebounds, $FIL is very likely to rise first. Let's continue to hold.
The price and market performance of the Bitget Token (BGB) are influenced by various factors tied to its utility, market trends, and the overall success of the Bitget platform. As the native token of the Bitget exchange, $BGB serves as a multi-functional asset that supports trading, staking, and ecosystem growth. Understanding the key drivers behind its price movements is essential for traders and investors looking to maximize their opportunities.
1. Utility and Demand Within the Bitget Ecosystem
The primary factor influencing the price of BGB is its utility within the Bitget platform.
Fee Discounts: BGB offers reduced trading fees for both spot and futures markets, incentivizing users to purchase and hold the token.
Staking and Rewards: Programs allowing users to stake BGB for rewards increase demand, as they attract both passive income seekers and active traders.
Access to Launchpad Events: Exclusive opportunities for BGB holders to participate in early-stage project investments further drive demand.
As the utility of BGB expands, its value proposition strengthens, directly impacting its market performance.
2. Tokenomics and Supply Dynamics
The supply and distribution mechanics of BGB play a critical role in its price:
Token Burns: Bitget periodically conducts buybacks and burns to reduce the circulating supply of BGB. This deflationary mechanism creates scarcity, potentially increasing the token’s value over time.
Circulation and Allocation: The controlled release of tokens into the market ensures steady supply without overwhelming demand, preventing abrupt price drops.
3. Growth and Adoption of the Bitget Platform
The success of BGB is directly tied to the growth of the Bitget exchange.
User Base Expansion: A growing number of traders and investors on the platform increases demand for BGB as users seek fee discounts and other benefits.
Platform Features: New features such as DeFi integrations, NFT support, or advanced trading tools can enhance the appeal of BGB.
Global Presence: As Bitget strengthens its presence in key markets, BGB benefits from increased visibility and adoption.
4. Market Sentiment and Crypto Trends
Like other cryptocurrencies, BGB is subject to market sentiment and broader crypto market trends.
Bull and Bear Markets: During bull markets, increased trading activity often boosts demand for BGB. Conversely, in bear markets, reduced activity may lead to decreased demand.
Public Perception: Positive news about Bitget, such as partnerships, regulatory compliance, or innovations, can improve sentiment and drive BGB’s price upward.
5. Competition and Market Positioning
The performance of BGB is also influenced by its ability to compete with other exchange tokens, such as Binance Coin (BNB) or KuCoin Token (KCS).
Unique Features: BGB’s competitive advantage lies in features like advanced futures trading and copy trading, which differentiate Bitget from other exchanges.
Competitive Fees: Maintaining lower fees and exclusive perks for BGB holders ensures its competitiveness in the market.
6. Speculation and Investment Activity
Speculative trading and investment play a role in short-term price volatility.
Whale Activity: Large holders of BGB can influence price movements through significant buy or sell actions.
Market Speculation: Traders speculating on BGB’s future value based on Bitget’s developments or tokenomics can lead to price fluctuations.
7. External Factors and Macroeconomic Conditions
Broader economic and regulatory factors also impact BGB’s market performance:
Regulatory Environment: Positive regulatory developments or increased acceptance of cryptocurrencies can boost demand for exchange tokens like BGB.
Economic Trends: Global economic conditions, such as inflation or interest rates, can influence investor behavior and appetite for cryptocurrencies.
8. Community and Ecosystem Engagement
Active community involvement contributes to BGB’s visibility and adoption.
Loyalty Programs: Exclusive rewards and VIP access for BGB holders foster user retention.
Marketing Campaigns: Promotions, partnerships, and events increase awareness and attract new users, driving demand for BGB.
The price and market performance of BGB are shaped by a combination of internal and external factors, including its utility, tokenomics, platform adoption, and market sentiment. As the Bitget platform continues to grow and innovate, the demand for BGB is likely to increase, solidifying its position as a valuable asset for both traders and long-term investors. By staying informed about these factors, users can better navigate the opportunities and risks associated with BGB.$BGB
2024/11/17 01:25
在所有 Bitget 资产中,这8种资产的市值最接近 Everybody Holds。